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При перепечатке ссылка на рассылку Центра изучения православия и древнерусской культуры обязательна
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18 января 2009 г.
Call for Papers
"Visions of Peace: The West and Asia"
Multidisciplinary Symposium
University of Otago
Dunedin (New Zealand)
10-12 December 2009
"Visions of Peace: The West and Asia" is a
multi-disciplinary symposium which explores various
traditional conceptions of peace in the Asian and the
Western historical worlds. Current literature, prompted by
September 11, focuses on the laws and ethics of just wars;
the ideas and ideals of peace as they were conceptualized by
past Asian and Western thinkers appear to have escaped
scholarly attention. The symposium is intended to fill this
lacuna, thereby shedding light on the hitherto overlooked or
underappreciated visions of peace in the global historical
The event will be organized according to the following
cultural units and traditions: Islamic, Jewish, Indian,
Chinese, Japanese, and European. The symposium will approach
the diversity of the global traditions of the idea of peace
at the interface of religion, philosophy and political
thought from the viewpoint of intellectual history.
The main, but by no means exclusive, focus will be on the
"pre-modern" period (i.e. before c.1800). General
theoretical and historical questions to be addressed might
include: What did "peace" mean in a given tradition? Was it
primarily political? Was peace the end or a means for
something else? Is it achievable in this world? What are the
conditions of peace? What are the contexts in which peace
was valued? What is the relationship between war and peace?
How did each tradition understand the legitimacy of
Plenary speakers include:
John Kelsay (Florida State University), Torkel Brekke
(University of Oslo), Yu Kam-por (Hong Kong Polytechnic
University), Shin Chiba (International Christian University,
Tokyo), and Fred Dallmayr (University of Notre Dame, USA).
Proposals for papers should be submitted to Dr Takashi
SHOGIMEN (Department of History, University of Otago) at
<takashi.shogimen@otago.ac.nz> by 15 April 2009.
Papers on the idea of peace in any of the aforementioned
cultural units or on cross-cultural comparison are welcome.
The proposal should include the title of the paper, a
150-word abstract which specifies the cultural unit and
chronological period that the paper discusses, and the
contact details including the presenter's name, home
institution and email address. Submission of proposal does
not guarantee its acceptance. You will receive an email by
early May announcing whether or not your proposal has been
accepted. The delivery of the paper should not exceed 20
minutes, which will be followed by 10-minute discussion, and
the English language must be used. Due to the
cross-disciplinary nature of the event, accessibility of the
paper without compromising its scholarly quality is
A refereed volume of selected symposium papers will be
edited and published by a leading international publisher.
Dr Takashi Shogimen
Department of History
University of Otago
PO Box 56
New Zealand
Tel. +64 3 479 4164
Fax. +64 3 479 8429
Email: takashi.shogimen@otago.ac.nz
Dear scholars,
I would like to remind you about the European Forum for the Study of
Religion and the Environment's (EFSRE) 2nd international conference on
"Religion & Ecology in the Public Sphere" in Åbo/Turku, Finland, 14 17
May 2009: http://www.hf.ntnu.no/relnateur/conference_in_turku/
The call for papers is still open until 31 January:
For further informations, please contact: Björn Vikström
Welcome to Finland!
Sigurd Bergmann
PS Please distribute this invitation widely in your networks.
Sigurd Bergmann, prof. dr.theol.
Department of Archaeology and Religious Studies
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
NO - 7491 Trondheim
Institutt for arkeologi og religionsvitenskap
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU)
NO - 7491 Trondheim
Phone: +47-73 59 65 87, +47-73 91 97 07
Skype: sigurdbergmann
Fax: +47-73 59 14 64
e-mail: sigurd.bergmann@hf.ntnu.no
Institute of Philosophy & Institute of Musical Research
16-17 June, 2009
Supported by the British Society of Aesthetics
Confirmed keynote speakers include: George Benjamin, John Deathridge,
Deirdre Gribbin, Jerrold Levinson, Susan McClary, Roger Scruton
Convenor: Guy Dammann, Institute of Musical Research
Music has commonly been considered the most elusive of artforms and yet
throughout history there have been frequent assertions of its strong links
with our moral sensibilities. While this situation may suggest shifting
views and expectations of art and music, it may also point to some deeper
questions about the nature of music and morality.
In the context of increased academic and practical interest in the
question of music's moral value and potential, we are seeking
contributions from academic and practical musicians, philosophers,
psychologists and historians of ideas, offering critical reflections on
questions or cases that touch on the theme of music and morality.
Interested contributors should send, in a first instance, a 300 word
abstract for a proposed paper of not more than 20 minutes reading time to
Valerie James, Institute of Musical Research, music@sas.ac.uk by the
deadline of 31 January 2009. Notice of acceptances of submissions will be
announced within one month of this deadline.
General questions of interest include but are not limited to the following:
Can music yield moral knowledge or understanding?
Must good music have a moral value?
Is there such a thing as immoral music?
Is the idea of morality in music compatible with aesthetic formalism?
Full call for papers available here:
Poster here
Petro Jacyk Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Ukrainian
Politics, Culture, and Society, 2009--2010
The Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (CERES) at
the University of Toronto is accepting applications for the Petro Jacyk
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Ukrainian Politics, Culture, and Society for
the year 2008-2009. The objective of the Post-Doctoral Fellowship is to
support on an annual basis one of the most promising junior scholars
studying contemporary Ukraine and thereby to advance academic
understanding of Ukrainian politics, culture, and society. The
Fellowship is made possible by generous support of the Petro Jacyk
Education Foundation.
* Description:
The Fellowship has both research and teaching components. The
successful candidate will spend most of the Fellowship period in
residence at the University of Toronto, based at the Centre for
European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (CERES). While at CERES, the
Fellow will be expected to devote his/her time to preparation of
his/her dissertation for publication and/or to start a new research
project. The Fellow will work closely with an appointed research
supervisor and participate in activities of the Petro Jacyk Program
for the Study of Ukraine. These include guest lectures, workshops and
conferences, and other events. In addition to research, he/she is
expected to teach a one semester course (seminar or lecture) that
deals with contemporary Ukraine (possibly from an interdisciplinary
and/or comparative perspective). The Fellow will also be expected to
spend a period of time in Ukraine (normally 6-8 weeks and preferably,
but not necessarily, in May-June of the fellowship period) based at
the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, where she/he may
conduct research and participate in the academic life of the
institution. By the end of fellowship year, the Fellow is expected to
have a publication (a book manuscript based on a dissertation or an
occasional paper from a new research project) ready for submission and
provide a report of his/her activities to the Director of CERES. The
Fellow should acknowledge Petro Jacyk Post-Doctoral Fellowship in all
publications, lectures, and any other activities supported by the
* Eligibility:
The Fellowship is open to junior scholars in the social sciences and
humanities with a teaching and research focus on contemporary Ukraine.
The successful candidate must have completed his/her PhD not more than
three years prior to the start of the fellowship period and before
taking up the Fellowship. There are no restrictions with respect to
* Fellowship tenure:
The Centre will make one appointment for the calendar year of twelve
months beginning July 2009.
* Funding:
The Fellowship holder will receive $40,000 Canadian funds plus an
allowance for research and travel expenses;
* Application Procedure:
Applicants should submit to Ms. Larysa Iarovenko by March 1, 2009 the
following materials:
a CV that includes information requested on the application form;
a description of the planned research and writing projects (three pages
single spaced or six pages double spaced);
one (or possibly more) course proposals (a one page singled-spaced
description along with a selected bibliography or reading list);
and a writing sample (e.g .article or chapter from dissertation or
book). In addition, applicants should arrange for three letters of
reference to be mailed separately to the address below.
Short-listed candidates may be contacted for an interview. Inquiries may
be sent by e-mail to at larysa.iarovenko@utoronto.ca
or by regular mail to
Larysa Iarovenko
Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies
Ukrainian Programs Manager
Munk Centre for International Studies
University of Toronto
1 Devonshire Place
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3K7
Tel: (416) 946-8113
Fax: (416) 946-8939
Application form can be downloaded at
Конкурс 2009 г. посвящён 180-летию со дня рождения академика К.Н.
Бестужева-Рюмина (1829–1897)
Участниками конкурса могут быть: студенты высших учебных заведений,
магистранты, аспиранты.
Заявки на участие в конкурсе и конкурсные работы принимаются в срок с
15 января 2009 г. по 15 апреля 2009 г. включительно по адресу: 603005,
г. Нижний Новгород, ул. Ульянова, д.2, кафедра истории России и
краеведения исторического факультета ННГУ (к.316) доктору исторических
наук Селезнёву Ф.А.
В заявке на участие в конкурсе указываются: название работы, фамилия,
имя, отчество, место учёбы, домашний адрес и контактный телефон
соискателя, фамилия, имя, отчество, место работы, учёная степень и
звание научного руководителя. Конкурсные работы подаются без указания
имени автора на титульном листе; титульный лист должен содержать
только название работы;
Требования к конкурсным работам:
1. Работа должна быть посвящена истории России или истории
Нижегородского края с древнейших времён до 1991 г.;
2. Работа подаётся в печатном и электронном виде. Рукописные тексты не
3. Объём работы – 15–50 страниц;
4. Работа должна быть снабжена научно-справочным аппаратом,
оформленным в соответствии с ГОСТом;
5. Работа должна содержать сноски на неопубликованные источники.
Лучшие работы будут размещены на сайте РОИА и рекомендованы к
публикации в нижегородских краеведческих изданиях.
ru_historyДля тех, кто вдруг еще не в курсе.
Как вы все знаете, в рамках проекта Google Books в американских библиотеках постоянно оцифровывается немалое количество изданий на русском языке. Во избежание проблем с авторскими правами издания ХХ века под оцифровку не попадают.
Помимо того что поиск таких оцифрованных книг в Google Books затруднен из-за разнобоев в описаниях (то транслитом, то по-русски, и т.д.), скачать найденные полные тексты с российских ip-адресов невозможно.
В связи с этим хотел бы предложить вашему вниманию результат подвижнического труда нескольких неизвестных мне людей, которые коллективными усилиями выявили, скачали, перевыложили на rapidshare и сделали каталог более чем 3500 российских дореволюционных изданий по истории общим объемом более 65 Гбайт.
А - О: http://www.archeologia.ru/modules/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2142
П - Я: http://www.archeologia.ru/modules/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2142&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15
Каталог постоянно пополняется, при этом в нем представлены не только монографии, но и большое количество периодики.