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Информационное письмо
Институт всеобщей истории РАН
Центр сравнительной истории и теории цивилизаций
приглашают вас принять участие в круглом столе
который состоится 3 октября 2012 года в здании Института всеобщей истории РАН
(Ленинский пр., д. 32 А)
Целью круглого стола является рассмотрение археологии и современного состояния идеи цивилизации и цивилизационных подходов, с одной стороны, и способов трансляции этой идеи и подходов в конкретную исследовательскую и образовательную практику, с другой. К участию в круглом столе приглашаются специалисты разных научных сфер – историки, антропологи, социологи, философы, экономисты, религиоведы, культурологи – интересующиеся историей и теорией цивилизаций. Обсуждение заявленной темы планируется как в рамках отдельных докладов, так и в ходе дискуссии. По итогам круглого стола планируется издание специального тематического выпуска альманаха «Цивилизации».
Заявку на участие в семинаре, тему и аннотацию (до 1000 знаков) предполагаемого вступления/ публикации и авторскую справку (ФИО, ученая степень, звание, должность, место работы, почтовый адрес и телефон, e-mail) просим направлять до 5 сентября 2012 г. по адресу: worldhistory21@yandex.ru (Ерусалимской Екатерине Вадимовне) с пометкой «на круглый стол». Конечный срок подачи материалов для публикации в тематическом выпуске (объем – 20-40 тыс. знаков) – 15 ноября 2012 г. Получение заявки подтверждается, в противном случае просим прислать заявку повторно.
Оргкомитет оставляет за собой право предварительного отбора материалов. Расходы на проезд осуществляются за счет командирующих организаций.
С уважением,
Lord Plant appointed to 415-Year-Old Divinity Professorship
Gresham College, London’s oldest Higher Education Institution, is
delighted to announce the appointment of Professor the Lord (Raymond)
Plant of Highfield, Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Philosophy at
King’s College London, as Gresham Professor of Divinity.
In his role as Professor of Divinity at Gresham College, Lord Plant will
continue the 415-year-old tradition of delivering free public lectures
aimed at the intelligent and interested public within the City of London
and beyond.
The series of free public lectures to be delivered during 2012-13 will be
on Religion and Values in a Liberal State: The Morals of Markets. The
hour-long free public lectures will take place at the Museum of London,
Moral Values and Limits of Markets – Tuesday 9th October 2012, 1pm
Markets, Freedom and Choice – Tuesday 27th November 2012, 1pm
Just Markets – Tuesday 29th January 2013, 1pm
Selling Yourself Short: The Body, Property and Markets – Tuesday 26th
February 2013, 1pm
What’s It Worth: Values, Choice and Commodification – Tuesday 9th April
2013, 1pm
Trust in Markets? – Tuesday 14th May 2013, 1pm
These lectures will focus on some of the central ideas and principles that
make up a liberal democratic society and its associated market economy,
looking in detail at what a theological understanding can add to these
questions. Freedom, justice, rights, community, civic virtue, property and
charity – all of these are vitally important ideas and values in
understanding modern society and there is a rich tradition of thought,
including theological thought, about what they mean and how these meanings
should be reflected in institutions. Thinking further on these values will
lead to a better understanding of social justice and injustice, poverty
and freedom, community and individuality, and rights and obligations in
the context of a liberal capitalist society.
[Full lecture descriptions are available from the Gresham College website:
Lord Plant has been Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Philosophy at
the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London since 2002. Prior to
that, Lord Plant was Master of St. Catherine’s College Oxford from 1994 to
2000, and Professor of European Political Thought at the University of
Southampton. He is also currently honorary professor in the Department of
Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Winchester. His
academic interests focus on political, social and legal philosophy,
particularly conceptual issues to do with welfare, particularly ideas such
as needs, rights, obligations and community. He has published and lectured
widely on the role of religion in the context of a modern state, society
and economy. Since 1992 Lord Plant has been a Member of the House of
Lords, where he is currently on the Delegated Legislation Scrutiny
Committee. Previously he has been Opposition Spokesperson for Home Affairs
and the Chair of the Labour Party Commission on Electoral Systems, as well
as being a member of the Joint Committee on Human Rights and of the Law
and Institutions Committee of the Committee on the European Communities.
The Divinity chair dates back to the College’s founding in 1597. Gresham
College was the first higher education institution in England besides the
Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and it was created with the guiding
principle of providing free education for all. Gresham College has seen
the Royal Society formed within the College, and past luminaries including
Sir Christopher Wren, Robert Hooke, the Lord Bishop Richard Chartres,
Richard Holloway, and Lord (Richard) Harries. The College continues to
fill lecture halls for its four or so free public lectures every week. All
Gresham lectures are made available on the internet after the event, where
they join the online archive of over 1,200 lectures.
Further Information and photographs from James Franklin, Communications
Manager, Gresham College: j.franklin@gresham.ac.uk, 020 7831 0575,
SAMLA Annual Meeting, Durham, NC, November 9-11 2012
Women's Studies section CFP: 300-400 word proposals due by July 1, 2012
to magillde@longwood.edu
-- How do women writers engage with conceptions of space in their works?
-- How do women writers and thinkers depict travel? Immigration? Exile?
-- What are the spaces of reading and writing about women? What spaces do
women inhabit when reading and writing?
-- How have the borders of women's studies programs changed since their
forty years ago?
-- How have sexuality/gender studies blurred and expanded those borders?
-- Where are the borders reaching in the next decade?
Dr. David Magill
Department of English and Modern Languages
Longwood University
201 High Street
Farmville, VA 23901
For more information on the conference, see here:
International Interdisciplinary Conference
"Self, Culture and Justice: East and West"
9-11 January 2013
Fo Guang University, Taiwan
Call for Papers
Conference Topic: Self, Culture and Justice: East and West
This is an international and interdisciplinary conference to be held at
Fo Guang University, Taiwan, on 9-11 January 2013.
Please email a 150-word abstract to Dr. Chandana Chakrabarti
Date of proposal acceptance: One week after the proposal is submitted.
Suggested subtopics:
Self & No Self; Personal Identity; Self as Continuum, as Flux or as
Stream of Consciousness; Social Self; Self & Absolute; Process
Theology; I & Thou; Cultural Self; Identity; Personal Immortality;
Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Science; Global Justice; Criminal
Justice; Globalization; Secularization & Future of Religion; Atheism &
Values; Marx & Freud, Anti-Globalization Movements; Consumerism &
Ethical Values; Socialism; Capitalism; Compassion & Perfectionist
Ethics; Human Rights & Justice; Animal Rights; Mediation & Peace;
Nonviolence of the Brave; Noncooperation as a Form of Nonviolence;
Culture of Nonviolence; Merciless Justice; Social Justice; Liberal
Democracy; Enlightened Anarchy; Politics & Morals; Global Market &
Values; Globalization & Environment; Ecology; Cosmology & Teleology.
The above list is suggestive and not exhaustive.
Please email a 150-word abstract to Dr. Chandana Chakrabarti
Selected papers from the conference will be published (Journal of
International and Interdisciplinary Studies / Journal of Indian
Philosophy and Religion).
Advisory Board Members:
Kisor Chakrabarti (USA), Linda B. Elder (USA), Gordon Haist (USA),
Rajani Jairam (India), Robin Kar (USA), Elizabeth Koldzak (Poland),
Tommi Lehtonen (Finland), Simi Malhotra (India), Maria Marczewska
(Poland), JoAnne Myers (USA), Eve Mullen (USA), Rizwan Rahman (India),
Andrew Ward (UK)
Sponsored by:
Department of Foreign Languages & Cultures, Fo Guang University
Co-Sponsored by:
The College of Humanities, Fo Guang University
The Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion
1. Books and papers: Magnus Publications
2. Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion
3. Interdisciplinary Journal
Papers from our last four conferences have been published by
Cambridge Scholars Press
Magnus Publications
Revisiting Mysticism
Politics of War
Politics, Pluralism and Religion
Spirituality and Morality in the Contemporary World
After Secularization: A Philosophical Study of the Preconditions of Religion
Some Central Topics in Hinduism
Introduction to Hinduism and Buddhism
If you are interested in submitting your manuscript for book or paper,
please contact Dr. Chandana Chakrabarti <chandanachak@gmail.com> and
send a book proposal.